
Stationary mixing plants

Stationary concrete mixing station is mainly used for the project, the main purpose of mixing concrete, also called concrete mixing station. HZS series concrete mixing station goods internationally popular fast assembly modular structure, high import mixer, dual dual-control computer control, noise, dust, pollution prevention, environmental design, is a new generation of concrete mixing equipment, ready-mixed concrete products for the city, bridge, water conservancy, airports, ports and other large infrastructure projects and concrete demand for places.
Mixing station there can be divided into single station and double station, as the name implies,every single station that has a mixing console mixing station, two stations have two mixing console,mixing console each corresponds to a discharge port, so the dual stir stand alone mixing concrete mixing equipmentstation is 2 times the production capacity,dual mixing station naming is 2HZS **, such 2HZS25 refers to mixing capacity of 2 * 25 = 50 m3 / h dual mixing station.
During installation, the body is prohibited tilt positions, leg deformation.
2, the bottom of the legs and welded firmly embedded base.
3, good wind, lightning work.
4, is strictly prohibited and legs strong impact body positions.
5, regular inspection of cement dust bag attached to the case, timely cleanup.
6, the foundation must be strong,in line with the architectural design specification.
7, once the bag blocked,concrete plant the pressure inside the warehouse warehouse roof over safety pressure relief valve pressure, truck  pressure relief valve to open positions within the release pressure and prevent warehouse explosion accidents.
8, when the cement silo (cement tank) work must be performed by a dedicated crane to erect, and then into pre prefabricated concrete foundation, and check the cement silo (cement tank) erected after the vertical and the horizontal degree and then at the bottom and welded firmly embedded base.

